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ميزات متقدمة اسهل وأسرع وتتبع دقيق للمخزون وعمليات الإنتاج، تقارير مفصلة على جميع العمليات في نظام رتم الجديد V6.

تواصل معنا الآن
Point Of Sales
An integrated sales interface through which you can manage all the operations of the front sections to provide better and faster service. It is easy to prepare and easier to use.
Kitchen Display
The order preparation screen contributes to the distribution of orders between kitchen sections. It helps in the speed and accuracy of the execution of your orders by displaying order information and the time of preparation.
Digital Menu
Provide an digital list of items that can be accessed and reviewed anytime on the phone. It is updated easily and quickly by syncing it either to the item list or linking it to a pricing.
View App
The follow-up app provides a comprehensive look at daily performance and achievement with simplified sales reports. You can review the data by downloading the app on iPhone or Android devices
Call Center
The call center provides a unified channel for receiving and distributing processing and delivery requests between branches. It also allows receiving requests for delivery applications and sending them to branches.
Customer Facing Display
The customer will be able to verify the validity of the order details, and will also display pictures of the products. It is also linked to payment methods and loyalty systems.
Waiter app
The waiter app enables you to register customer orders and send them to the sales system with accuracy and flexibility, in addition to managing tables and bookings
تعـرف على قـوة نظـام رتـم المتكامل لعملك!

نظام نقاط البيع المتكامل الخاص بنا يوفر ميزات متقدمة وخيارات الدفع المرنة لتحسين تجربة العملاء، ويعزز الإنتاجية ويحمي المعلومات الخاصة بك. يمكنك استخدام قدرات نظام نقاط البيع السحابي الكاملة لضمان سيرورة مشروعك.

الإطلاع على التفاصيل
What Our customers said About RETM system!

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تواصل معنا الآن