questions The rumor

Frequently asked questions about our system.
How long is the subscription period?
Is it possible to pay semi-annually?
Do you have special prices for food carts?
Will the price increase with me during the renewal?
How do I subscribe to the system?
Can I get a refund after I subscribe?
Is there a trial before signing up?
Is the system approved by the Zakat Authority?
Does the system support restaurant subscription with apps?
Does the system support multiple payment methods?
Does the system allow payment fragmentation?
You might ask Why the RTM system?

60% more savings

With RTM, you can save more than 60% of the subscription value, while getting higher quality and performance!

Data speed

Faster data processing, whether in the process of recording invoices or reviewing reports.

Easier access

You can get a quick overview of your establishment's performance through the follow-up app.

Operational integration

RTM systems help to rearrange the entire operational process, in addition to 24-hour technical support.

What Our customers said About RETM system!